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David & Igor Oistrakh Play Bach, Khandoshkin, Vitali


David Igor Oistrakh Play Bach Khandoshkin Vitali

Khandoshkin: Folk Songs in the Russian Salon

这张唱片收录了Ivan Khandoshkin的几首俄罗斯民歌及其改编曲,改编后的曲子有双小提琴版的,有羽管键琴版,也有为小提琴和羽管键琴而作的。此外,还有一首独奏小提琴奏鸣曲。从这些作品所展现出的华...

Khandoshkin Folk Songs in the Russian Salon

Ivan Yevstafyevich Khandoshkin: Virtuoso Violin Music at the Court of Catherine the Great


Ivan Yevstafyevich Khandoshkin Virtuoso Violin Music at the Court of Catherine the Great