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表演者: Raindance

发行时间: January 8, 1996

出版者: Universal/Polygram


  Composed, arranged and produced by two brothers, Bradley and Stewart James, this project was inspired by a Native American chant which was sung to the two when they were children. The album consists of moody synths and traditional acoustic instruments. It sounds like the true sequel to the first Sacred Spirit album (even though no ties are intentionally made with that album). The songs have strong tribal rhythms, with traditional and modern dance drums. The instrumentation of the album is very well done, with some effected instruments (including cellos and violins) which all add to the otherworldly nature of the album. The best tracks on the album are Return from River Island with its altered cello, ambient textures and infectious chant. Intertribal Pow Wow, despite the name, has a very epic feel to it and conveys the urgency of battle through a series of fast drumbeats, contrasted with the suddenness of a gentle melody. If you enjoyed the first Sacred Spirit album you will be rightfully impressed by this equally earthy album.
  “Raindance”是由Bradley & Stewart James两兄弟组成的Native American chant音乐团队。《Raindance 求雨舞》差不多问世已经有10年多了,此碟曾荣获1996年格莱梅最佳新世纪音乐专集银奖以及最佳录音铜奖,其中不少单曲被无数新闻、电影或者历史、地理片引用。印第安人也许天生是唱歌的民族,在这张专集里面,演唱者的低音深沉而神秘,高音高亢而飘渺,而无论高低音都是为了营造一片虔诚求雨的气象。这张CD里面收录的所有单曲都具有高度的可听性,与其他一些民族音乐选集有很大的一点不同就是听众轻易就能接受,还有很欣赏当时的录音技术,也能够欣赏出背景中很多细微的音乐元素,所以此碟是不可多得之极品!


01 - Raindance
02 - Return From River Island
03 - Circle Of Fire
04 - Intertribal Pow Wow
05 - The Nighthawk
06 - Seeds Of Fortune Happyness
07 - Dance Of The Warrior
08 - Thunder Cloud Mountain
09 - Honouring The Horse
10 - Dance Of The Bear
11-Song Of The Harvest
12-Celebration Of The Young