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Surrounded By Freaks_音乐专辑



Surrounded By Freaks

表演者: Tribal Ink

专辑类型: 专辑

介质: CD

发行时间: 2003

唱片数: 1

出版者: Bonnier/Amigo


The Swedish TV channel TV 3 had a contest where they were looking for rock musicians to build a rockband on last year,it was called "Wannabe" and the TV viewers could follow them from week to week how a band slowly took form.
  The five guys who won got the chance to do some gigs and record a single called "To my face" which didn?t sell very well but the people responsible behind this circus wanted the band to record a full length CD anyway.
  The result is this lame piece of work titled "Tribal Ink" which is a pretty weak try to ride on the numetal wave being 2nd division clones of P.O.D!
  Where?s the glow?,where?s the energy?.....I think there are some nice riffs and good melodies like in the songs "Right behind you" and "I?m a liar" but there?s no heart and soul in the performance so it falls rather hard and ends up like a cold soup....yeuch!
  The only thing I come to think about when I hear this album is that Tribal Ink is like a numetal version of the good old lads in Electric Boys,but they had the groove when these young boys who without doubt can play - JUST CAN?T ROCK!
  The bottom line to this story is that you can?t put together a rockband like a factory made product,it?s like Brynn Arens says in FLIPP...."-Rock comes from your cock!"
  2002年组建乐队至今,仅仅在2003年出过唯一一张《Surrounded by Freaks》。拼凑的《Minutes to midnight》中Tribal ink的音乐皆来源于此之后组员都忙于其他的乐队事务当中。
  在真正的Minutes To Midnight出来之前,网上一直流传一张fake专辑,广大歌迷特别兴奋的下下来听,却发现根本不是LP,很失望,但同时又都觉得这张专辑真是不错,非常好听,虽说这张专辑里的歌是Tribal Ink和Grey Daze两个乐队的作品,但是人们普遍只注意到了Tribal Ink,不知是因为歌好听,更是因为谁都弄不到这个组合的任何资料,甚至到现在也说不清这个组合到底是叫Tribal Ink还是Tribal Inc,由于外国网站上普遍使用前者,我在圣殿里也用这个。现在人们只是知道有这么个组合,名字大概这么几个字,专辑里的歌名都是什么,其他的好像都不知道了,就连个词都只能找到Refugee和To My Face两首。人们都这么好奇,这组合的人倒是出来见大家一面,他们还真是沉的住气。
  虽说LP也是靠着网络红起来的,但是人家当年可是用的自己的名字Linkin Park,这个组合,顶着人家的名字就出来了,这么做的效果倒是不错,我估计只要是LP歌迷都听过他们的歌了,而且估计其中的大部分都非常喜欢他们,一边失望这不是LP的歌,另一边又惊喜又发现了个好的乐队。另外他们敢顶着LP的名字出来,估计这个乐队的人对自己的歌还真是有信心,现在人们之所以在网上兴奋地查他们的资料,而不是没完没了的骂他们就是因为他们的歌好听,要是换个一般的乐队,敢顶着LP的名字出来,等死吧。
  这张fake我差不多是和LP新专辑同一天听的,在LP变的那么安静的时候,能听到这么一张令人激动的专辑感觉真是不错,fake里Tribal Ink的每一首歌都特别好听,上一此我觉得一张专辑里每首个都好听还是在听Meteora的时候。他们的大部分歌风格都差不多,但是听下来也不会让人觉得单调,毕竟每首歌还是有自己的特点,完全说不上那首歌比较像主打的。像Refugee,Right Behind You,Pick Me Up,Try To Be Me,To My Face,就是很震撼的歌,而Tribalistic Cuts听起来就莫名其妙的觉得感动,至于Don't You Push Me,听的时候却想起了Eminem的The Way I Am,觉得两首歌的rap的节奏差不多。


1. Tribalistic Cuts
2. To My Face
3. Don't You Push Me
4. Refugee
5. California Love
6. Right Behind You
7. I'm Free
8. I Try So Hard
9. Pick Me Up
10. I'm a Liar (Believe Me)
11. Try to Be Me
12. Living On a Lie
关键词:Surrounded By Freaks