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表演者: Bill Evans/Toots Theilemans

介质: Audio CD

发行时间: 2012-06-22

唱片数: 1

出版者: Warner Jazz

条形码: 0075992738729


  Bill Evans(比尔.埃文斯)的「sound」绝对是爵士乐迷与乐手心中最经典的典范,而要说爵士史上最有名的「口琴声」,那当然是这位比利时的国宝级爷爷Toots thielemans (图斯.泰拉门斯)!他们二人的的合作是天衣无缝的,前者对民谣的深刻理解,让专辑中的这些爵士乐和流行乐的经典,并不象他的有些作品那样深奥孤高,而是散发出淡淡的城市愁绪,Toots thielemans的口琴,则将Bill Evans的情绪加以放大,化成更浓烈的一道悲情,游荡在钢琴声的周围。
  正如专辑标题《Affinity》一样,这是一张绝对能够吸引人的唱片,两位大师对各自的作品都有着同样的吸引力,Bill Evans的钢琴和Toots Thielemans的口琴加在一起散发着柔美的醇香,微微的忧郁。无论是原创的“Sno'Peas”还是改编自Paul Simon的“I Do It For Your Love”这样的作品,两位大师都营造出一种完美的听觉体验,如同感受着雨夜时雨珠轻轻拍窗的那种一份惬意!“Blue and green”实为比尔.埃文斯和图斯.泰拉门斯的最好写照。蓝色是埃文斯,他将德彪西和拉斐尔以及爵士乐的摇摆感和即兴熔入一炉,轻描淡写地渲染出海天一色的蔚蓝景致,而绿色正是泰拉门斯,天籁般的口琴声一如那温和隽永的祖母绿,见证尘世众多变迁而生机盎然,簧片震颤,流淌开来的不仅仅是一串串醇美的音符,也诠释着生命的悲喜哀愁。
  Recorded at Columbia Studios, New York, New York from October 30-November 2, 1978. A low-key date from 1978, AFFINITY features the interesting pairing of Bill Evans with harmonica virtuoso Toots Thielemans. The results are surprisingly pretty, if unspectacular compared with the piano giant's more productive partnerships (with Jim Hall, Tony Bennett, etc.). Evans plays Fender Rhodes on several cuts, the best of which (tenor/alto/flute player Larry Schneider's "Tomato Kiss") has, in part due to the rubbery, Latin-influenced stylings of bassist Marc Johnson, a distinct spy-movie feel more characteristic of the early '60s than late '70s. Johnson, whose work with Evans is sometimes unfairly dismissed as lightweight in comparison to that of longtime Evans sidemen Scott LaFaro and Eddie Gomez, really shines throughout AFFINITY, proving himself an interesting and sensitive, if vastly different foil. Thielemans, as good as he is, fails to produce any real sparks on this record, often seeming to be in attendance purely to carry the melody on top while Evans develops gentle waves of harmonic richness underneath. A notable exception is the opening track, a sublime version of Paul Simon's "I Do It for Your Love"--an unusual choice that Thielemans, Johnson and Evans infuse with a quiet grace.
  Personnel: Bill Evans (acoustic & electric keyboards); Larry Schneider (soprano & tenor saxophones, alto flute); Toots Thielemans (harmonica); Marc Johnson (acoustic bass); Eliot Zigmund (drums).


Body & Soul