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表演者: E.S. Posthumus

专辑类型: Import/from US

介质: CD

发行时间: 2005-05-03

唱片数: 1

出版者: 33rd Street

条形码: 0807207003021


The songs on "Unearthed" pay homage to ancient cultures with their titles (Cuzco, Pompeii, Harrapa, and Ebia), yet they are as contemporary as Deep Forest and Enigma and attract the same kind of fan. The music is at one moment dark and choral and at another light and airy; one moment you're in Greece and then in Ireland or South America. It's a film score, clearly cinematic, but there's no movie - rather there are the dozens of movies and movie trailers in which the music has appreaed. If you've watched Six Feet Under, the NFL or the US Open, you've heard their music. If you watch CBS's hit series "Cold Case" on Sunday nights, you've heard one of the most extraordinary theme songs ever, and it's the track "Nara". If you are even an occasional filmgoer, you've heard the music on "UNEARTHED"
  E.S. Posthumus在2000年组成,是由Helmut和Franz Vonlichten兄弟二人合组的独立组合,音乐揉合交响乐及电子乐,加上鼓乐强劲节奏,气势滂薄,亦具史诗式的古典美。Helmut 和 Franz 自3岁起便跟随母亲学习古典钢琴,自小浸润在古典音乐的环境下长大。Franz中学毕业后在录音室工作。Helmut 在美国洛杉矶加州大学(UCLA)修读考古学毕业。兄弟俩受到Pythagorean Philosophy影响触发灵感,相信 "音乐是使反差变得和谐;把对抗的元素加以调和"。E.S.其实也就是"Experimental Sounds"(实验音乐)的缩写,而"Posthumus"一词代表了"一切已然过去"。 E.S. Posthumus深受电影或电视剧制作人等拥戴,其音乐常成为电影或电视剧前奏,营造出剧力万军的效果,或成为配乐。譬如说,2001年电影《决战猩球/猿人争霸战》用上了Menouthis和Pompeii两首;2002年电影《蜘蛛侠》用上Pompeii和Nineveh,电影《少数派报告/关键报告/未来报告》用上Tikal;2003年侦探电视剧《铁证悬案》(Cold Case)用了Nara,例子多不胜数。而Posthumus Zone这一首更是特别为美国哥伦比亚电视台(CBS)的体育节目制作的音乐。 兄弟俩身份相当神秘,至今只推出过一张专辑 Unearthed(2001年1月)和一张单曲碟 Rise to Glory(2005年9月)。虽然网站的资料显示,E.S. Posthumus计划在2006年推出新专辑,但时至今日仍未见面世。 曾有传言指Helmut和Franz Vonlichten是Robert和Jeffrey Pfeifer兄弟的化名,后者较多产,音乐也常见成为很多大片的电影配乐,其一为《指环王/魔戒》。